Railz Support can be contacted via email (support@railz.ai) or using the chat option on the Railz Dashboard.
To help us support your query efficiently and to provide a response in a timely manner, please include as many details as possible.
Following are some of the main details that will be useful for us to troubleshoot your issue.
Common Details
Business Name
Service Name
Connection ID (if available)
Push communication ID (if the issue is related to pushing data)
A detailed description of the issue.
When was the issue first identified?
What are the steps we could take to reproduce the issue on our end?
How is your business customer impacted?
Was the issue reproducible with another business customer?
Error Message
Were there any error messages displayed to the user or on the API?
Screen capture of the error message.
Actions Taken
Have you tried again ie: making the API call again
Additional Information
Screenshots of the error message.
Any workflow details specific to this company
API request and payload (if available)